Doing our bit in the most innovative projects of the world


A thousandth-millimetre work to admire the immensity of the Universe at -250 °C

The Yebes Astronomical Centre (Guadalajara) operates with a 40-meter radio telescope among the most powerful ones in the world. But not many know that this place is also a one-of-a-kind technological centre where radio-astronomy components are designed and manufactured. These observation pieces of equipment receive space signals which are trillion times smaller than the ones emitted by a mobile phone. . In order to maintain the receivers’ sensitivity, it is necessary to remove the thermal noise, operating at -250 °C in a cutting-edge helium cryostat of high purity inside. At Promega, we have built the cryostat where this astronomic ‘miracle’ takes place, allowing to observe at light-years distance of our planet. This has been an extremely complex project; a challenge for our metrologists, who worked with technical plans where some of their components −in aluminium, copper and gold− required precisions measured in micrometres (thousandth of millimetre). Given that, since the foundation of the company, a significant part of our revenue has been allocated to technological investment, we have been able to use the most precise milling machines in the world and to successfully deliver the cryostat. Nowadays, the confines of the Universe are closer for science, and we can say that we have made our humble contribution.

At Promega, we have built the cryostat where this astronomic ‘miracle’ takes place, allowing to observe at light-years distance of our planet.

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